KLOC of MODX Github Clone

A very informal guess as to the development value of one of MODX 2.5.x and modx3 alpha.

Authored on


MODX 3 early alpha

F:\>cloc-1.70.exe F:\Github\revolution
    4355 text files.
    4119 unique files.
Complex regular subexpression recursion limit (32766) exceeded at script/cloc-1.70.pl line 9005.
    1094 files ignored.

github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.70  T=19.00 s (205.4 files/s, 36296.6 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
PHP                           3399          66045          95745         335306
JavaScript                     226          18071           9166          97411
CSS                            102           9354           2729          32139
SASS                            23           1079             48           9224
XML                             54            574            195           4491
JSON                            33              0              0           4450
Markdown                        43            692              0           1480
Ant                              2             18             30            373
Java                             1             74             78            230
SQL                              4             21             45            120
XSLT                             5             15              1            116
YAML                             2             27              3             93
Bourne Shell                     3             15              5             61
Smarty                           1              5              0             35
Pascal                           1             12             24             29
DOS Batch                        1              0              0              4
HTML                             2              1              0              2
SUM:                          3902          96003         108069         485564

MODX 2.5

P:\>cloc-1.64.exe Github\Others\modxcms
    3824 text files.
    3534 unique files.
    1043 files ignored.

http://cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.64  T=22.07 s (153.2 files/s, 24638.4 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
PHP                           2977          26755          82402         272985
Javascript                     232          18081           9035          98174
CSS                            102           3870           1587          15899
SASS                            22           1077             28           7960
XML                             23            510            323           3454
Ant                              3             31             45            447
Java                             1             74             78            230
JSON                             3              0              0            156
SQL                              4             20             37            120
XSLT                             5             15              1            116
Bourne Shell                     3             13             24             49
Smarty                           2              5              0             47
Pascal                           1             12             24             29
YAML                             1              3              4             12
HTML                             2              1              0              2
SUM:                          3381          50467          93588         399680

Data extracted from Cloc.